Dance trainings for all levels
are tailored to the respective target groups. They specifically promote coordination, strength and flexibility, taking into account the findings of current sports and movement research.
All trainings and courses are based on human physiology and are oriented towards anatomical conditions. This means, to accept personal performance limits and to derive movements from the existing physical conditions of the dancers.
The classes are based on the guidelines of the Bundesverband Tanz Deutschland e.V. as well as on the quality framework of Aktion Tanz, the Federal Association for Dance in Education and Society.
Modern Dance / Contemporary Dance
For all who want to dance expressively to music and have a desire for more complex movement sequences in space.
The class teaches various modern dance and contemporary techniques (e.g. self-energy / gravity, balance / off-balance, undercurve / overcurve) and combines dance sequences with body awareness, energy work and conscious breathing. A differentiated body training prepares for dynamic step sequences and movement through space. All these elements are integrated into a choreography at the end.
20.20 – 21.35 in the Studio Tanzkunst
Bahrenfelder Str. 201 in Altona
Price: monthly 60,-€ per class or 10er-card 202,- €
Trial lesson free of charge, please register in advance
Dancing body training
A gentle and intensive body training with exercises to stay flexible and develop a harmonious body feeling. The whole body is intensively “worked through” from head to toe and your energy is reactivated.
Part of the class takes place on the floor, the rhythm comes from our breath or from the music. There is no group-oriented performance requirement in this training – the point is that everyone looks individually at what he or she can achieve effortlessly. The training helps to improve body awareness in everyday life and to change blocking posture patterns.
19.10 – 20.10 in the Studio Tanzkunst
Bahrenfelder Str. 201 in Altona
Price: monthly 50,-€ per course or 10er-card 170,- €
Trial lesson free of charge, please register in advance
Back training
By now, no one doubts that one of the main causes of back problems is lack of exercise. Too much rest and relieving postures start a vicious circle that tends to weaken the structures of your body and can cause bad postures or pain.
If you want to feel your back strong and in relaxed action, and you want to move smoothly and fluidly again, this workout is for you. It is a mix of light cardiovascular stimulation, dance coordination, muscle strengthening, stretching, awareness and relaxation exercises.
You will gain new knowledge about your body and experience a different movement quality – based on Bartenieff Fundamentals, dance, yoga and Spiral Dynamics.
17.45 – 19.00 in Billies Dance Studio
Stresemannstr. 374b (old can factory) in Altona
Price: monthly 55,-€
Trial lesson free of charge, please register in advance